When Can you Start Feeding Babies with Fish?

Fish is one of the best sources of protein in the ocean. Not surprisingly, the government is aggressively promoting the Movement to Popularize Eating Fish (Gemarikan), even from a young age. Now, your job as a parent is to introduce this healthy protein source to your child, which is useful to support its growth and development. But before that, you must know the best age for babies to eat fish.

When can you start feeding babies?

As we know, babies are required to get exclusive breastfeeding for 6 full months. So, you are only allowed to give babies to eat fish after the age of six months, according to The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), reported by the Baby Center.

With a note, your little one has already been introduced to some solid foods that do not cause allergic reactions - for example vegetables, fruits, and others. Also, make sure the baby does not show allergies to fish.

If the baby's skin is prone to rashes and redness due to food allergies, or there is a family history of certain allergies, you should consult a doctor first. In this case, the doctor will advise you to delay giving the fish until the age of the child steps on a few more mature months.

Are there certain types of fish that are best for babies?

In general, all types of fish are rich in protein sources which are certainly good for the health of the body. This was further explained from the remarks of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. dr. Nila Farid Moeloek, Sp.M (K), which was read by Acting. Director General of Public Health of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, dr. Pattiselano Robert Johan, MARS.

According to him, fish is a healthy food source because the fat content in fish is not saturated fat. But unsaturated fatty acids consisting of, omega 3, 6, and 9; iodine; selenium; fluoride; iron; magnesium; and zinc.

Interestingly, the content of omega 3 in fish is much higher than other sources of animal protein. In addition, natural compounds in the form of PUFA, EPA, and DHA in fish are also useful to support brain intelligence and prevent disease attacks.

  • No need to be confused to find the type of fish that your child must consume. Because, all types of fish available on the market are good and healthy to be introduced to your baby in the process of development. The Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia also revealed that actually price is not the main benchmark for determining the quality of a type of fish.
  • Both fish at cheap and expensive prices, both have high nutritional value. Take the example of mackerel, even though the price is quite affordable, but it turns out the content of omega-3 in it can be equal even slightly higher when compared to salmon which is actually more expensive.

What are the rules for eating fish for babies?

Although it's good for supporting your baby's growth and development, you are encouraged to give the baby to eat fish gradually and not constantly. The assumption is that this is a form of introduction to solid food which is still relatively new to him.

The FDA, as a drug and food regulatory body in America that is equivalent to BPOM, suggests giving fish to babies is limited to only 2-3 times a week. Of course, the portion is much smaller than the portion of adults. The portion of your baby's fish feed will also increase further according to his age needs.

But before processing fish, make sure you buy fish in fresh conditions. Don't forget to throw fish spines, make sure there are no more thorns left so that they can endanger the baby.

You can also process fish in various ways, whether it's steamed, boiled, baked, or crushed like porridge. Look for cooking methods that can produce fish with a soft texture, and cut fish into small parts making it easier for babies to eat.

To enhance the look and add nutrients to your baby's dish, you can add various fruits or vegetables. On the other hand, this method can simultaneously introduce other solid food ingredients to babies.

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