Can Premature Births be Circumcised?

Some parents prefer to circumcise their children when they are babies, even when they are new. But what if the baby is born prematurely, is it still safe to be circumcised? What are some things to consider if the baby is circumcised when prematurely born?

It can be done since the baby turned out to be good for the health of your little one

Circumcision means cutting off the part of the skin covering the head of the penis (foreskin). No need to wait a long time, this action can be done the first two or ten days after the baby is born.

If you really want to do when your child is a baby, you should do it in a hospital with the help of a doctor. Before circumcision, the doctor will explain the procedure and the risks that may occur.

Circumcised or not, is actually a consideration and choice of oneself and family. Reporting from Parents, according to the American Academy of Pediatric, there are several benefits of circumcised babies for their health, such as:

  • Penis problems, such as irritation, inflammation, and infection
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Penile cancer
  • Fimosis (penis foreskin is too tight so it cannot be pulled down while erect)

Premature babies need to be circumcised or not? This must be considered

In addition to family considerations, babies are allowed to be circumcised or not, also depends on the doctor's consideration. In some cases, the doctor may delay or not allow the baby to be circumcised. Especially in infants born prematurely and have physical abnormalities in the penis. Why?

Have a weak immune system

Babies born prematurely, have a weaker immune system than normal babies. In fact, many of them are born with respiratory disorders, such as apnea (shortness of breath) or chronic disorders of the lungs. That is why babies with this condition need more intensive care at the hospital.

Premature babies are susceptible to various infections due to a weakened immune system. If the baby is circumcised, the risk of infection is greater because of the presence of open wounds from the former foreskin cutting.

Reported from Kids Health, the percentage of complications in infants due to circumcision is actually rarely around 0.2 to 2 percent. The most common complications are mild bleeding or local infection.

However, these complications may be more severe if the child's immune system is still weak. This is a consideration for doctors to delay the act of circumcision in premature babies.

Especially if the baby is born with an alarming condition, the doctor needs to know the possible risks that will occur; whether the process can be fatal or not to the health of the baby.

Born with certain disorders or health problems

Abnormalities or physical disorders also often occur in premature babies. For example, physical abnormalities in the penis. Babies with this condition, usually do not require penile circumcision.

Because the baby's penis needs to be repaired, both the shape and function through the surgical process. In this surgery, you will use the foreskin to reconstruct the penis again.

So, if you have a premature baby, it is necessary to consider various factors if the baby wants to be circumcised. Consult the doctor first before the circumcision procedure is carried out. The doctor will help you determine whether the baby needs circumcision or not, while determining when the best time for the baby to be circumcised.

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