How to Stimulate a Child's Ability to Communicate

Too late to talk is the problem most parents complain about the little one. Generally, children who talk late can be caused by many factors, such as factors in speech development disorders, hearing loss, intellectual disability or because of the lack of communication from parents.

That is why, children need support and stimulation from parents to support the child's growth and development. Here are some tips that you can do to stimulate stimulants in developing children's speech skills.

Invite your child to communicate

Start talking to your baby when he is new, this is done to stimulate his sense of hearing early. Now, when the child has started to be able to hear and see clearly, as a parent you must have begun to invite your child to interact and talk whenever and wherever. Don't forget to pay attention while looking at him when your little one starts babbling. Make yourself as expressive as possible, in order to provoke a little laughter response and the sound that is issued "baby language style".

Learn while playing

Playing is the most effective way to get children to interact while providing lessons for children to be more responsive to what you say. For example, you can use storytelling media by telling various types of stories before bedtime and during your free time. In addition, you can also stimulate brain stimulants with music. You can play children's songs in audio and visual form from cellphones, DVDs, TV shows, or other media.

Don't forget to invite him to dance and clap his hands to add to the excitement and enthusiasm of the little one. If this is done routinely, gradually the child will definitely try to imitate the tone and lyrics of the songs that are often sung.

When the child is getting bored, you can also invite your child to play with pictures on flash cards, puzzles, or other objects that have interesting shapes and images. Also invite your little one to play guesses in the limbs by asking where the nose, eyes, ears, mouth is.

Ask more questions

If the child has begun to issue his "baby-style language", and gives a variety of responses, do not hesitate to respond. You reinforce what your little one says by asking more questions so that the child can respond.

For example if a child asks for a drink or bath, you can pretend to ask about the meaning of his chatter while laughing or smiling. Even though the response you get is unclear or you don't even understand it, you must still respond. You can anticipate it by trying to repeat what your little one says to improve its meaning, but use clear and correct words over and over again so that your child can easily digest and be left with the word. Instead of responding back to using "baby-style language".

Invite children to socialize

There are so many reasons behind children talking late. One of the things that often happens is that your child is afraid and ashamed if he meets new people that he rarely encounters. Therefore, you must often invite children to socialize with the environment outside the home. Introduce your child with his peers, his function so that children are accustomed to meeting many people other than family at home. In addition, your child will learn quickly from other children, whether in terms of how to play, how to talk, and how to interact.

Do therapy

If until the age of 3 the child is unable to speak clearly and still haltingly, you should immediately take therapy. As quoted by Kompas, Dr. Attila Dewanti, SpA (K) Neurology said that if the child does not immediately get therapy at the age of four before entering TK, children will be vulnerable to experience stress and tantrums because it is difficult to translate their will.

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