At What Age Babies Can See Clearly?

When newly born, babies cannot see clearly. So, what babies see is different from what children and adults see. Well, surely you are curious how exactly the age of the baby can see clearly, like you are now? Come on, discuss the development of the baby's vision abilities below.

At what age can the baby see clearly?

Even though babies are born perfectly physically fit, their ability to see them is not as perfect as older children and adults. In fact, newborns have very close visibility and cannot focus on distant objects at all.

Along with growth and development, the baby can see clearly around the age of 12 months. The sharpness of his vision will then continue to grow until he is 3-5 years old.

Stage of development of the baby's sense of vision

Age 0 to 3 months

While still in the womb, the baby's eyes are tightly closed so he can't see anything. Since birth until the first week of his life, the baby's eyes can open and close but cannot focus.

That's why you might often see babies reaching for their hands. This is a way for babies to be able to feel what's around them. Because the visibility of a baby in this age range is still very close, around 25-30 of his face. Newborns can only hold their gaze for at least 10 to 12 seconds.

Around the age of 8 weeks, most babies can recognize the face of their father and mother. The new baby can move his eyes to follow the direction of motion of objects at around the age of 2-3 months.

To practice a baby's vision reflex, you can stimulate it with sound, either from the sound of your mouth or from the motion of a toy. But remember, newborns can only respond to black and white objects. So if you want to practice the sight reflex, you can fish with black or white baby toys.

4 to 6 months of age

Entering the age of 4 months, babies can see a variety of colors, especially red, blue, and green. Stepping on the age of 5 months and above, the "collection" will increase in color. A 5-month-old baby can see pastel colors.

In this age range, the direction of the baby's eyes is more directed. Babies can move their eyes without the need to move their body or head. With this ability, the baby starts processing information around it. The baby's eyesight is also wider than before.

Ages 7 to 9 months

Children aged 7-9 months can see the sharpness, depth, and color of an object, said Melanie Kazlas, MD, director of the field of child health at the Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary in Boston, as reported by The Bump.

The ability to see that is getting better is supported by the ability of his body to begin crawling to explore the area and reach for objects that attract his attention.

Age 10 to 12 months

At this age babies can see all objects clearly. In fact, babies can estimate the distance so they can throw things into a certain place. They can also quickly be able to focus and move on to other things.

When do you need to check your child's eyes?

Children should regularly check their eyes to avoid the risk of serious vision problems. Parents need to start checking the child's eyes from the beginning he or she is born and back again after the baby is between 6 months and 1 year old.

When the child is between 3 and 3.5 years old, take the baby to the ophthalmologist to undergo a follow-up examination and eye acuity test to determine the condition of his vision. Once the child reaches the age of 5-6, you need to go to the doctor once again to check the child's eye development. Afterwards, eye examinations can be more routine until the child enters school age.

But if the baby shows strange symptoms in his eyes, such as continuing to runny, less responding to objects whose colors are striking, the direction of the eyes of babies that are not the same, and more sensitive to light, immediately check with an ophthalmologist.

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