The Sign of the Baby Has Faded and Can Stop Breastfeeding

Babies often express their desires in the form of crying. You will easily recognize the characteristics when he is hungry because your child will tend to be anxious to stop crying. However, do you know the signs shown when a baby is full after breastfeeding?

When a baby is full, what are the signs?

It's not difficult to know the signs that your little one is hungry. However, you also need to understand when to stop giving breast milk or formula when the baby is full. The following are the signs:

  • At least 15 to 20 minutes of breastfeeding for each breast, reported from the WebMD page. Every baby basically has different duration when breastfeeding, at least 15-20 minutes usually the baby will be full.
  • Look satisfied. Pay attention to your child's facial expressions before and after being given milk. If your child looks satisfied and happy, then the milk he gets is enough. Conversely, if he still looks lethargic and constantly whines, chances are he hasn't gotten enough milk.
  • Do not show signs of hunger. When you're hungry, your baby will be nervous, fussy, and cry. Well, you will see a change in facial expression if he is full.
  • Breastfeeding rhythms slow down. When the baby is full, you can see the changes in the suction rhythm which are increasingly slowing down or will even stop feeding on their own.
  • Remove the handle from the breast or bottle pacifier. The baby will remove the handle on the breast or bottle of pacifier when he feels he has enough milk.
  • The breasts feel softer. When your child is full, it means that milk from the breast has come out a lot, which will make the breast feel softer and lighter, unlike before breastfeeding.
  • The position of the baby's body is more comfortable. Giving milk, whether breast milk or formula milk, will have a comfortable effect on the baby after he feels full.

How often can babies be given breast milk or formula milk in a day?

Actually there are no definite rules that dictate the number of times a baby can drink milk in a day. In essence, the little one determines how much milk he wants to drink in a day. Because the breastfeeding needs of each baby are not the same, so your job is simply to give milk according to their needs.

However, the Baby Center says, newborns usually drink breast milk about 3-4 times a day. After 1-2 days later, he will suckle approximately 8 times, including at night. You are not required to give a benchmark for how many times your baby has to suckle because the more they age, the more frequent the feeding frequency will be. Automatically, the breast will also produce more milk.

If the baby is breastfeeding excessively, what will happen?

Although previously it was stated that there are no definite rules for how many times a baby can suckle in a day, but too much milk can also cause discomfort to the baby, you know. Because the baby's digestive organs are not fully able to digest too much food or drink. Even if it's at an excessive level, your child can be nauseous and eventually vomit.

According to Susan Burger, MHS, Ph.D., IBCLC, a lactation consultant (breastfeeding), if the baby is still able to keep food for more than one hour or breastfeeding too often in less than an hour from the last breastfeeding, there may be a problem with little one's body.

Basically, at the beginning of the birth, the time between breastfeeding is shorter, and it will become longer when the baby starts to grow up. But don't worry, your baby's eating patterns will usually change over time.

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