Pros and Cons of Safety Harness for Toddlers

Until now, safety harnesses for toddlers still reap the pros and cons among parents. There are those who agree about their use because it can actually help the child himself, there are also those who consider it inappropriate. What are the benefits and risks of safety harness for toddlers? Check out the full review below.

Benefits of safety harness for toddlers

1. Maintaining child safety

The parents know very well how the movements of toddlers are unpredictable, especially when in public places. Sometimes they run around, jump up and down, and approach their age friends to play together.

This is certainly a challenge for parents, because parents need to focus extra attention on their little ones so that they are not out of reach. This is where the safety harness functions to ensure the safety of your little one so as not to escape from the side of the parents. So, your child will remain safe under the supervision of parents.

2. Helping children with special needs

Children who have been diagnosed with ADHD, autism, down syndrome, and other sensory disorders are often the center of attention when in public places. Apparently, the harness is not only good for normal children, but also good for children with special needs.

In children with special needs, the harness is useful as extra security so that they remain under the supervision of their parents. In addition, this tool is also useful for training the balance of the child while walking. Thus, parents do not need to worry anymore to bring children to go out of the house and play together.

3. Providing freedom to children

Compared to baby strollers or carrying children, the safety harness actually gives children more freedom to safely explore the surrounding environment. Because, when they are on a baby carriage, they can only sit and find it difficult to move anywhere. For this reason, the harness provides more free space for children to be able to walk and move while being safe in taking care of children.

Safety harness risk for toddlers

1. Inhibiting the child's learning process to control themselves

Apart from the various benefits that can be obtained from the safety harness, this tool also has a risk in the development of children.

Children are feared to become accustomed to relying on their parents through the use of harnesses. Children are not trained to wake up themselves when they fall because they believe there are parents who hold them back. The longer the child uses the harness, the more difficult it is for the child to learn to maintain his own safety as they move or walk.

2. Limiting the child's curiosity

Childhood is a time when the growth of the brain and body develops rapidly. In this period, children will be happy to explore and be free to learn many new things around them. Unfortunately, this will be hampered if the child is paired with a safety harness.

This is because children become unable to freely run around or explore their curiosity in the outside world of their own volition. Parents will hold the child's body more so that when the child explores his new environment. This condition will certainly affect the growth and development of children over time.

Tips for using a safety harness that is safe for toddlers

Now you already know the various benefits and risks of using a safety harness for your little one. Basically, the safety harness is safe to use, provided you do not limit the movement of children. Take for example, you are not recommended to pull a child with a harness when he is running around. Because, this will make the child's body attracted and held back by the rope attached to his body. It would be better if parents followed the direction of the child's movements and switched to carrying him if he had run too far.

In addition, limit the time to use the safety harness for your little one so as not to obstruct the movement. Enough to use the harness occasionally if it is an urgent condition. For example when you have to push a baby carriage and at the same time have to take an older sibling to travel. Use the harness only at certain times so that the growth of the child is still freely distributed.

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