Is Baby's Weight Dropping Normal? When Did It Happen?

It is natural for a mother to worry about the health of the baby after birth, including her weight. Some mothers may worry about the baby's weight coming down, especially still in the first days after birth. Then, is it normal for babies to lose weight? How much weight is down?

Is the baby's weight loss normal?

The first days after birth, babies usually do experience weight loss. This is a decrease in water weight. Normally, the baby's weight will go down as much as 5-10 percent of birth weight during the first three days after birth. Furthermore, the baby's weight will gradually increase in the second to the third week.

All babies will experience weight loss in the first days after birth, both breastfed and formula-fed babies. Babies exclusively breastfeed receive a small amount of colostrum (the type of milk that comes out first) in the first days of their birth, so the baby's weight doesn't increase much.

After that, a lot of breast milk is produced by the mother's breast, so that babies can get breast milk that contains a lot of energy and nutrients according to their needs. That way, the baby's weight starts to increase.

Baby's weight drops abnormally

Weight loss of more than 10 percent of birth weight is usually caused by a lack of prolonged food intake. This may be more common in breastfed babies because it takes about 3-5 days until the milk from the mother's breast enters the baby's body well enough. In addition, breastfed babies also need a harder effort to get breast milk than formula-fed babies.

A decrease in weight that is more than standard might make the mother worried so she decided to give baby formula milk. However, this should be avoided.

Decreasing weight in the first days after birth is normal. After the baby can receive breast milk properly, his weight will gradually increase.

According to a study published in Breastfeeding Medicine, more than 10 percent of breastfeeding babies lose 10% or more of their birth weight before they start regaining their weight.

Mostly, this is caused by a lack of intake at the beginning of life. This decrease in body weight is rarely caused by infectious diseases or medical conditions, such as metabolic diseases, heart problems, lung problems, or kidney problems.

You can also lose weight at the age of two years

In addition to the first days after birth, the child's weight can also go down at this time starting to grow big. At the age of one to two years, children will generally experience rapid growth and development.

No wonder the child's appetite also increases because children need energy and nutrition to support this growth.

After that, the rate of growth and development of children begins to decline. This also affects the energy and nutritional needs which also decrease. Thus, children's appetite also decreases.

Two-year-olds usually start having erratic eating habits, sometimes they have appetite and sometimes they don't. This might make parents confused to keep their appetite stable.

It is normal if the child's appetite fluctuates at this time. Usually the child will eat a little on one day and then make it up by eating more on the other day.

The Sign of the Baby Has Faded and Can Stop Breastfeeding

Babies often express their desires in the form of crying. You will easily recognize the characteristics when he is hungry because your child will tend to be anxious to stop crying. However, do you know the signs shown when a baby is full after breastfeeding?

When a baby is full, what are the signs?

It's not difficult to know the signs that your little one is hungry. However, you also need to understand when to stop giving breast milk or formula when the baby is full. The following are the signs:

  • At least 15 to 20 minutes of breastfeeding for each breast, reported from the WebMD page. Every baby basically has different duration when breastfeeding, at least 15-20 minutes usually the baby will be full.
  • Look satisfied. Pay attention to your child's facial expressions before and after being given milk. If your child looks satisfied and happy, then the milk he gets is enough. Conversely, if he still looks lethargic and constantly whines, chances are he hasn't gotten enough milk.
  • Do not show signs of hunger. When you're hungry, your baby will be nervous, fussy, and cry. Well, you will see a change in facial expression if he is full.
  • Breastfeeding rhythms slow down. When the baby is full, you can see the changes in the suction rhythm which are increasingly slowing down or will even stop feeding on their own.
  • Remove the handle from the breast or bottle pacifier. The baby will remove the handle on the breast or bottle of pacifier when he feels he has enough milk.
  • The breasts feel softer. When your child is full, it means that milk from the breast has come out a lot, which will make the breast feel softer and lighter, unlike before breastfeeding.
  • The position of the baby's body is more comfortable. Giving milk, whether breast milk or formula milk, will have a comfortable effect on the baby after he feels full.

How often can babies be given breast milk or formula milk in a day?

Actually there are no definite rules that dictate the number of times a baby can drink milk in a day. In essence, the little one determines how much milk he wants to drink in a day. Because the breastfeeding needs of each baby are not the same, so your job is simply to give milk according to their needs.

However, the Baby Center says, newborns usually drink breast milk about 3-4 times a day. After 1-2 days later, he will suckle approximately 8 times, including at night. You are not required to give a benchmark for how many times your baby has to suckle because the more they age, the more frequent the feeding frequency will be. Automatically, the breast will also produce more milk.

If the baby is breastfeeding excessively, what will happen?

Although previously it was stated that there are no definite rules for how many times a baby can suckle in a day, but too much milk can also cause discomfort to the baby, you know. Because the baby's digestive organs are not fully able to digest too much food or drink. Even if it's at an excessive level, your child can be nauseous and eventually vomit.

According to Susan Burger, MHS, Ph.D., IBCLC, a lactation consultant (breastfeeding), if the baby is still able to keep food for more than one hour or breastfeeding too often in less than an hour from the last breastfeeding, there may be a problem with little one's body.

Basically, at the beginning of the birth, the time between breastfeeding is shorter, and it will become longer when the baby starts to grow up. But don't worry, your baby's eating patterns will usually change over time.

Baby Sweating While Sleeping, Normal or Danger?

Some babies sweat when they are asleep at night. Maybe some parents will feel worried about this. Actually, normal or not if your child sweats while sleeping? The following are signs of normal baby sweat during sleep and parents must watch out for.

Is it normal for babies to sweat when they sleep at night?

Babies sweating while sleeping is normal. Babies are also more sweaty than adults. There are a number of things that cause babies to easily sweat while sleeping.

First, the nervous system in the baby's body has not developed perfectly. This nervous system will help control body temperature. So this will affect the production of sweat.

The second cause is related to the sleep cycle. There are several stages of the sleep cycle, namely periods of drowsiness, periods of sleep with rapid eye movements, deep sleep, and very deep sleep.

Babies tend to experience the most restful stages of sleep. Well, usually people who are very sound will tend to sweat more, even soaking wet. In addition, the baby's sleep time is longer than adults usually, making your baby more sweaty in his sleep.

Maybe you realize if your little head is often wet from sweat than other body parts. This happens because there are a number of sweat glands in the head, so that when the baby feels hot, he will start sweating from his head.

Then, how do I know if baby's sweat isn't fair?

Simply put, if you feel hot and sweaty, your baby should experience the same thing. But if you are in a cool room, then see your little one always sweating even when you have changed his clothes with clothes that are thin or light, try to consult your pediatrician.

Sweat caused due to health conditions are usually accompanied by other signs such as acceleration of breathing, weight loss, and so it is very difficult to eat.

In addition, if your baby often sweats profusely in the head accompanied by skin conditions that are drier than usual, then maybe the child has a weak kidney. You should immediately take him to the doctor if excessive sweating that occurs in your child accompanied by various types of these symptoms.

1. Congenital heart problems

In addition to babies sweating during sleep, if you find a baby sweating excessively during a simple activity that does not move much for example when sitting to eat, chances are it's time to make an appointment with your pediatrician. Because, this is one symptom of a congenital heart problem.

Congenital heart problems are caused by incomplete heart development during pregnancy. Babies who experience congenital heart problems have more sweat than other babies. Because the heart must work harder to pump blood efficiently.

2. Hyperhidrosis

If you find even when in a cold air-conditioned room and the baby is still sweating profusely, this could be a sign of hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is a condition when the body sweats excessively from sweat which is supposed to maintain its normal body temperature.

This is not something that must be treated with certain drugs and tends to be harmless. But as we get older children need good management of sweat to adjust their body condition to the environment.

3. Sleep apnea

Babies who experience sleep apnea will always sweat. Usually accompanied by symptoms of breath that suddenly stops for at least 20 seconds. This sleep apnea more often affects premature babies.

If the baby is suffering from sleep apnea, another possible symptom is bluish skin tone besides night sweats that occur throughout the night.

4. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

SIDS is a diagnosis given when a child under one year dies suddenly with a definite cause that cannot be found.

SIDS can cause the body's condition to overheat, which is excessive heat, usually during sleep at night. This condition makes the baby fall into the deepest sleep until it is difficult to wake up or has the possibility of being unable to be awakened again.

If Babies are Premature, Parents Must be Aware of These Brain Disorder

Birth of a baby is a moment the family has been waiting for. Of course, all parents want their children to be born healthy. But there are some things that can make the baby born first before a predetermined schedule or premature birth. Babies born prematurely can certainly grow healthy if they get the right treatment. Even so, there are still many health risks experienced by the baby born prematurely, one of them is brain disorders.

What is a premature baby?

Babies born prematurely are when the baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Some babies born close to 37 weeks may not have side effects, but some premature babies can show symptoms and disorders related to the maturity of their organs.

Week after week, the function of the baby's organs will be more mature in the mother's womb. If babies don't get the chance to develop fully in the womb, then chances are they can experience some disturbances in their organs, including developmental disorders in their brain.

Brain development disorders that often occur in premature babies

1. Interventricular Hemorrhage (IVH)

According to Lucille Packard Children's Hospital, a hospital at Stanford University, IVH often occurs in premature babies who weigh less than 1.3-2.2 kg of birth weight.

This condition occurs when a vein in the brain of a premature baby breaks. This creates a pool of blood in the brain which can damage nerve cells. This condition often occurs followed by respiratory problems.

Symptoms are:

  • Anemia
  • Very high pitched crying sounds
  • Having apnea (periods of stopping breathing)
  • Seizures
  • Weak when sucking milk
  • Low heart rate
To diagnose the doctor performs an ultrasound examination of the head to help determine how much bleeding is in the baby's head. The higher the value, the greater damage to the baby's brain will occur.

2. Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL)

Periventricular leukomalacia is the second most common complication involving the nervous system in the brains of premature babies. PVL is a condition of nerve damage in the baby's brain that functions to regulate movement, the part of the brain involved is called white substance. Symptoms that can be caused by this brain disorder:

  • The baby's muscles become seizures
  • Muscles weaken
  • Muscles tighten
  • Accompanied by IVH
There is still no known cause of PVL, but this area of ​​the white substance of the brain is indeed more susceptible to damage. Babies with this condition will increase the risk of cerebral palsy and developmental disorders. In addition this condition can be accompanied by IVH. Babies who are prone to PVL are babies who:

  • Born before 30 weeks
  • His mother had premature rupture of membranes
  • His mother was diagnosed with an infection in the womb

3. Cerebral Palsy

Premature babies and low birth weight are closely related to cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a condition of brain injury or brain malformation that occurs during brain development before, during, or after birth.

The condition of brain injury or malformation can occur because there are various things when the brain nerve formation is disturbed. As a result, cerebral palsy makes the movement of children different from other children, starting from how the body controls muscle movement, muscle coordination, muscle contraction, body balance, and posture.

Doctors do not know the exact cause of cerebral palsy, but the earlier or the more premature the age of the baby is born, the greater the risk of developing cerebral palsy.

4. Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus is a condition in which fluid accumulates in the brain. Fluid accumulation causes enlargement of the ventricular part of the brain, so that the pressure of brain tissue also increases. This condition causes the shape of the head of a child with hydrocephalus to look enlarged.

Reported on the Hydrocephalus Association page, babies born prematurely have a greater risk of developing hydrocephalus, both due to IVH complications and experiencing hydrocephalus, or indeed experiencing direct hydrocephalus.

Not yet known the exact cause of this hydrocephalus. Doctors will diagnose hydrocephalus with MRI, CT scan or Cranial ultrasound. Furthermore, hydrocephalus treatment will be done by inserting a device that can help move extra fluid from the brain to other parts of the body.

Digestive System of a Newborn Baby

Digestion of newborns is certainly different from adult digestion. Newborns still have a very small stomach, the digestive system of newborns has not been able to digest various foods properly. Therefore, food for newborns must be considered well, not carelessly and not in very large portions.

What is the digestion of a newborn baby like?

Digestion of newborns is not yet strong and immature, and is very susceptible to infection. Therefore, at the beginning of the period after the birth of the baby, you as a parent must pay close attention to whatever and how much goes into the baby's mouth. Whatever goes into the baby's mouth, it will be processed in the baby's digestive system.

The baby's stomach size is still small

The stomach size of a newborn is also still small, only as big as marbles. Only able to accommodate liquids of 60-90 ml. Over time, the size of the stomach increases to the size of an egg at the age of 1 month. So, do not be surprised if the newborn baby suckles very little because the size of the stomach is still small and has not been able to accommodate more food.

Usually newborns will suckle in small amounts but more often. This is the way babies fulfill their nutritional needs. Growing up, the baby will suckle more but the frequency of breastfeeding decreases. Breast milk is the best given at this time because it contains high fat content, so it can provide enough calories for babies.

The baby's digestive system is immature

In the early days of a baby's life, he didn't have all the enzymes he needed to digest food. Even though a newborn can digest carbohydrates, protein, and fat, but the baby's pancreas has not fully developed. The pancreas of a newborn cannot produce the enzymes needed to break down complex carbohydrates or starch until the baby is around 3 months old. However, babies are helped by the presence of enzymes in breast milk and baby saliva.

In addition, physically, the valve of the baby's esophagus is also still not perfect. This valve controls the entry of food from the mouth to the baby's stomach. So, food that is already in the baby's stomach can easily rise again into the esophagus. As a result, babies often spit up, but this is a common thing. The baby's kidneys are also not fully mature, so babies are at risk of dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and insufficient absorption of nutrients.

Babies cannot protect themselves from infection

Normally, the human digestive tract has a layer of mucus that can protect it from microbes and other contaminants that may be present in food. However, this protection system has not been fully formed in newborns. So that the baby's digestive tract is not ready to fight the bacteria and pathogens that enter. This causes newborns to be very susceptible to infection.

However, you should not worry too much about this. Fortunately, the antibodies contained in breast milk can help babies create protection for themselves. Therefore, you are advised to give exclusive breastfeeding to babies up to 6 months old babies. At this age, the mucus layer in the baby's digestive tract has been formed almost perfectly and antibodies have also begun to be produced in the baby's body.

Breast milk also contains intestinal growth factors that help babies develop good bacteria in the intestine. So, breast milk is very important to help digestion of the baby's digestion.

Measuring Baby Growth Not Just Over Body Weight and Length, What Else?

Most parents only see the growth of their babies based on their weight and length or height. In fact, there are other important things to look at when measuring a baby's growth. This measurement must also be done every month so that you know whether the baby is really healthy and growing normally. What are other ways to measure a baby's growth?

Measuring a baby's growth is not only from the weight and length of the body

How often do you bring your child to the nearest health service? You should often bring it to health services to see its development and growth. There are other measurement indicators that you should pay attention to besides the baby's weight and length. Here's the explanation.

Head circumference

Usually, in addition to measuring body weight and length, the baby will be measured in circumference of his head. In periods under the age of 2 years, head circumference is a measurement that must be done as an indicator of whether the baby is growing healthy or not.

The head circumference that is too small indicates that the baby's growth is not good. This can also be associated with a lack of protein and chronic energy in infants. Because the baby under the age of 2 years is very susceptible to malnutrition. Especially if the mother does not give her milk or needed nutrition. Now, from this measurement of head circumference, you can find out whether the baby has fulfilled his nutritional needs.

In addition, a small head circumference can also indicate that the baby may experience a health disorder called microcephalus. This condition indicates that the baby's brain is not well developed and will affect the ability of his brain to mature.

While a large head circumference can indicate that your child has some health problems, one of them is hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus is a condition in which the head enlarges due to too much fluid. If your child has an abnormal size of head circumference, you should immediately discuss this with your pediatrician.

Upper arm circumference

Maybe many parents don't know that the upper arm circumference is one way to measure baby growth that is important every month. This measurement is also done to find out if your child has a chronic malnutrition problem.

Why is measuring your baby's upper arm circumference important? The arm is a part of the body that stores fat reserves, so to know if someone has enough fat, he can measure his arm circumference.

The small upper arm circumference is a sign that the baby does not have enough fat reserves. This can mean the baby lacks protein and energy. Usually, this measurement is done if your child has a poor nutritional status, seen from the weight and length of his body at that time.

Conversely, if your child's arm circumference exceeds normal, it means he has excessive fat reserves and can be a sign of being overweight or even certain health problems. Therefore, you should immediately discuss this with your pediatrician.

Causes and Treatments of Bloated Baby Stomach

Flatulence is a condition in which gas builds up in the stomach and intestines, causing the stomach to feel full and in some cases appearing swollen. Flatulence does not only occur in adults, but babies can also experience it. Then how to deal with bloated baby stomach?

Causes of bloated baby stomach

Flatulence is usually caused by swallowing air or decomposition of food through digestion. There are several things that can cause flatulence in babies, including:

  • Food consumed by the mother. Babies who still drink breast milk can produce excessive gas when your baby's mother eats gas-forming vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, onions, or beans.
  • Incorrect position while breastfeeding. If the position of the breast or milk bottle is wrongly positioned, the baby may swallow too much air.
  • Excessive lactose. This happens usually when the baby gets too much foremilk (initial milk every time your baby starts breastfeeding) which is rich in lactose but low in fat. Then not all lactose is digested because there is not enough fat to slow down this process. As a result, there is a buildup of excess gas in the baby's stomach.
  • Immature digestive system. Babies have not yet learned to process food, gas, and feces perfectly. The intestine also has not produced normal microflora (good bacterial balance). In fact, all these things are needed for the work of the digestive system and the immune system.
  • Crying excessively. Excessive crying can cause too much air to swallow, resulting in excessive gas.
  • Food consumed by babies. If the baby has started eating, you need to pay attention to the food. Reduce the portion of excess gas-containing vegetables.

What can be done if the baby's stomach is bloated?

1. Breastfeeding position

When you are breastfeeding, try to position the baby's head higher than his stomach (the head is slightly raised like you want to sit). This breastfeeding position will help the milk get into the bottom of the stomach and the air rises upwards, making it easier to belch.

This position also applies if you give baby milk with a bottle. This is done to prevent the accumulation of air and air bubbles in the pacifier of the milk bottle. Choose a milk bottle pacifier that is soft and in accordance with the baby's mouth. It can also help prevent air from entering the body along with milk. Milk must flow slowly and evenly, so that your child can swallow it easily, without excessive gulping.

2. Help the baby to belch

After finishing breastfeeding, help your child belch. It is important for the baby to push the excess air out of his body. A researcher recommends burping in a sitting position with a gentle rocking motion. Carrying your baby upright or above the shoulder can also help your child belch.

If the baby is not belching right after breastfeeding, lay your baby down for five to ten minutes and try the position above again. When you lift your baby back, allowing the air to move to the upper part of the stomach, it will be easier to belch.

3. Tummy time

Tummy time is all activities or activities that your child spends while on his stomach. In addition to helping the development of the little motor skills, tummy time also serves to overcome flatulence in infants. Tummy time will help eliminate excess gas quickly.

4. Massage slowly

Gently massage the baby's stomach in a clockwise motion can help overcome flatulence in infants. You can also rub your back by placing the baby in your lap with the baby on his stomach.

Another baby massage movement that can be done for flatulence in infants is by doing movements such as swinging a bicycle. Swing your little feet like riding a bicycle.

Various Reasons Why Baby's Weight is Difficult to Rise

There are so many cases that make doctors spend months studying baby's diet, medical history, level of activity, and causes of stress in infants before they can determine the source of the problem with certainty.

Generally, if you suspect that your child is not developing properly, it should be checked for the possibility of whether he is classified as having difficulty eating, or his body is difficult to absorb and process the nutrients obtained from food. The following are a number of reasons why this can occur.

Problems when eating

  • Your child may be tired and fall asleep before finishing breastfeeding.
  • Your child may have a weak sucking reflex, making it difficult to get enough milk (if you give exclusive breastfeeding) or even from a pacifier bottle, even though this is more often found during breastfeeding.
  • Cracks on the lips (cracks) or the palate will interfere with the breastfeeding process. To overcome this problem, exchange your bottle with a special bottle, with artificial nipples specifically used by babies with this condition, or ask for special nurse help (cracks on the lips or palate can be corrected during the first year of the baby).
  • Your baby has a tongue tongue that can make it difficult for him to breastfeed properly and get the nutrients he needs. This condition can also affect babies who are feeding bottles, but are rarely found.
  • If you give your baby formula milk, an inappropriate dose of milk can make your child's weight difficult to rise.
  • If you are breastfeeding and have had problems starting breastfeeding, your baby may miss a number of nutrients that he did not get during the period of the problem. Your breasts may not produce enough milk to support your baby's needs or your milk does not come out.
The first 1/3 of the milk droplets that come out every time breastfeeding is known as the foremilk, available at all times for your baby. When you start the breastfeeding process, your body will slowly release the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates the flow of the next breast milk, called hindmilk. This process is called let down reflex (LDR), or the release of breast milk. The signs are your nipples itch or breast milk spurts. Hindmilk contains more calories than the foremilk.

If you are stressed or in pain, the brain nerves will fail to send a signal to start releasing milk, preventing your child from getting hindmilk. If this problem continues, it can lead to a failure to increase the baby's weight. To encourage the release of the milk reflex, you should breastfeed in a calming place, away from the hustle and bustle.

Some babies who breastfeed with strict scheduling, compared to following their own hungry instincts, will actually get fewer nutrients than the amount needed. Some experts believe that the best way to get optimal nutrition is to let your baby breastfeed, either breast milk directly or with a bottle, as long as he wants and whenever he wants.

Other common causes

  • Your baby is recovering from illness, or is sick. His body needs more nutrients and calories to be healthy again, but the disease can affect the little one's appetite.
  • Your baby has digestive problems, such as diarrhea, reflux, celiac disease, or lactose intolerance.
  • If you have postpartum depression or are overwhelmed by other children who ask for your special attention. With the above conditions, it will be difficult for you to make sure your liver is getting the full attention that it needs to ensure it has enough calorie intake.
In some rare cases, failure to increase a child's weight can be caused by lung disorders, such as cystic fibrosis; nervous system problems, such as celebral palsy; problems on the chromosome of children, such as Down syndrome; or metabolic or endocrine diseases, such as growth hormone deficiency. Contact your doctor immediately for early treatment if any of the above conditions are the cause of your child's weight loss.

Soothing Baby Crying Techniques That are Proven Effective

Crying is a natural way for babies to convey discomfort or a sign that they need something. But as a new mother, you may be confused when the baby cries constantly. Do not worry. You can do some of the techniques below to calm a crying baby.

Baby crying? Calm with these five techniques

1. Swaddle your baby

Being in bed can prevent the baby's body from trembling, making it feel safer and more comfortable. In addition, this method can also help babies fall asleep more calmly and soundly.

If you want to pack a baby make sure you know the right way. Too tight a baby can cause damage to the baby's leg joints, even to damage the cartilage of the hip cavity which leads to hip dysplasia, which is a disorder of the formation of the hip joint when the thigh bone is released and is not right in the hip cavity. Not only that, holding the baby too tight can also make it difficult to breathe properly.

2. Position the baby to curl up

In the womb, the baby spends most of his time in a curled position. Well, that's why holding or lying baby in a curled position can make the baby feel more comfortable. This position is done by flanking the baby on the side of the body, precisely under your arm. Keep in mind, putting your baby in a position like this, is only done if he keeps crying. While under normal conditions, always place your baby in a supine position.

3. Voice whisper ‘sshhh ..’

Most parents will often make a sound "sshhh ..." while rubbing or patting his back when the baby is crying. It turns out that winning a baby in this way is not just a hereditary habit that has no meaning.

Because, whispering the sound "sshhh ..." right in the baby's ear can make them more calm and comfortable. This is because the sound 'sshhh ..' is similar to the sound when the baby is in the womb. Make sure the sound 'sshhh ... "that you produce is faster than the cry of the little one; so that your baby can hear the sound clearly.

4. Swing the baby

Rhythmic movements such as swinging or shaking your baby constantly will remind him when he is still in your stomach. If the baby cries more tightly, then you must also be stronger to swing it. But remember, you must be careful when swinging it. While swinging a baby, you can sing a song with a slow tempo and soft voice.

5. Soft touch

Touch can stimulate a feeling of comfort in the baby's brain. That is why, never underestimate the "strength" of your touch to make your child feel more comfortable. Even so, your baby also sometimes needs more than just a touch to make him comfortable, like patting his back or gently massaging it.

6. Let him suck something

Sucking nipples, fingers, or nipples is one way to calm a crying baby. However, make sure this is the last step you take if some of the methods mentioned above do not work.

Which must be considered when the baby cries

Crying is a natural way for babies to communicate and convey discomfort or need for something. Most babies cry because they have difficulty adjusting to life outside the womb.

For 9 months the baby is familiar with the atmosphere of the uterus. The existence of light, color, texture, sound, as well as new sensations such as hunger or will feel very disturbing to them. Well, therefore, creating a sensation that resembles the condition in the uterus is the best way to calm a crying baby.

But if the baby cries continuously even though you have tried to calm down in various ways mentioned above, do not hesitate to contact the pediatrician. Especially if you also notice some strange signs or symptoms in your baby.

Drinking Milk While Sleeping Apparently Harms Babies

Drinking milk while sleeping may have become the habit of most babies before going to bed. Maybe you think that drinking milk before going to bed is good for the baby so the baby is full while sleeping, so he sleeps better. However, be careful, the habit of drinking milk while sleeping can actually harm your baby. Various things can happen when your baby is used to drinking milk while sleeping, from choking to ear infections.

What are the risks that can be caused by drinking milk with a bottle while sleeping?

Some things that can happen to babies while sleeping with milk bottles are:

1. Develop a relationship between milk bottles and sleep

Always giving a milk bottle before the baby falls asleep can form a baby's habits. Many babies are used to sleeping with milk bottles. If he is not given a milk bottle before going to bed, it will be more difficult to fall asleep. This may be a habit that will be difficult to eliminate until it grows bigger. And, this is not good for baby's behavior or baby's health. This habit can prevent babies from learning to complete their own activities. In addition, this can also make the baby want to add a bottle of milk at night until he falls asleep. This can indirectly make excess baby intake.

2. Babies choke

Babies who fall asleep while drinking milk with a bottle can choke because liquid milk can enter their lungs. This is more dangerous for babies than adults. Babies cannot be as good as adults, where when something is bothering them when they fall asleep, adults can immediately wake up, while baby reflexes cannot be as good as this. Maybe the baby will immediately cough and feel uncomfortable. However, it is better to avoid this altogether.

A study published by Asia Pacific Allergy in 2011 has even shown that drinking milk with a bottle while lying down for a long time can cause chronic respiratory symptoms in infants. This seems to reinforce the evidence that drinking milk while lying down can endanger your baby's health.

3. Risk of tooth decay

For babies who have gotten their teeth, suckling with a bottle before going to bed and until he falls asleep can develop the risk of tooth decay. Sugar in milk can be accommodated in the baby's mouth for a longer time, so that sugar can stick to the baby's tooth surface. This sugar will then be converted to acid by bacteria in the baby's mouth. This can then result in tooth decay in the baby.

To avoid this, you can add more water to your baby's milk, so that the sugar concentration in baby milk decreases. This can reduce the risk of a baby having tooth decay. If the baby rejects it because it tastes different, try adding it little by little. You can do this method only at night when the baby asks for milk to sleep, so that the baby's intake is still fulfilled.

However, it is even better if you clean the baby's teeth after he suckles and before he falls asleep, so as not to reduce the baby's intake. Clean the baby's teeth by wiping the baby's gums using a soft cloth. If the baby has teething, then you can clean your baby's teeth using a special baby toothbrush. If your baby has started to grow up (already 3 years old), you can add toothpaste when cleaning baby's teeth. Teach him to brush his teeth twice a day, namely after breakfast and before going to bed. This can help avoid your baby from various tooth decay.

4. Risk of ear infections

When a baby drinks milk with a bottle while sleeping, milk can flow through the ear cavity, which can cause ear infections. Babies who drink milk with bottles are more at risk for ear infections in the first year of life, compared with breast-fed babies.

How to reduce the habit of babies drinking milk with a bottle when they want to sleep?

If the baby is used to drinking milk with a bottle while sleeping, try to give it in a sitting position. Your baby's lap while giving him a milk bottle and if the baby is asleep, then move him to the bed without a milk bottle.

If the baby has started to eat solid food, you can fill the baby's stomach with food before the baby starts to fall asleep, so the baby is not too dependent on milk bottles when he wants to sleep. You can also start trying to limit the amount of milk consumed by bottles per day and give it more food. This can help reduce the connection between milk bottles and sleep.

Is It Normal If the Baby's Weight at Birth is More than 4 Kilograms?

Having a big fat, adorable baby is the dream of many mothers. But while we often hear about the health risks that babies face when they are born too small, large babies are not always healthy. Overweight babies face health complications that are as dangerous as premature children.

What is the weight of a baby at birth that is considered normal?

The weight of a newborn is said to be normal when the numbers on the scale are in the range of 2.5 kilograms to 4 kilograms, especially for babies born quite old (gestational age 37-40 weeks).

In contrast to premature babies - babies born less than 37 weeks who usually weigh less than 2.5 kilograms - babies can be said to be large or have excess weight if the numbers on the scale reach more than 4 kilograms. This baby is usually called a big baby or giant baby. In the medical world, newborns weighing more than 4 kilograms are called macrosomia.

The two examples above are only a small part of the trend of infant birth weights that are increasing globally. The birth rate of very high birth weight babies has increased by as much as 15-25 percent in the last 2-3 decades in many different populations throughout the world. In the United States, it is estimated that ten percent of newborns are classified as macrosomic. Meanwhile there are no detailed data on the incidence of macrosomia babies in Indonesia.

What causes a large baby's weight at birth?

Large babies may have different genetic codes or certain medical conditions in the womb that can accelerate fetal growth. But health experts reveal that the trend of large babies is more closely related to the number of mothers who are obese before and during pregnancy.

If you have diabetes before pregnancy (pre-gestational diabetes) or you have diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes), you are also more likely to conceive and give birth to a large baby.

On the other hand, most of the causes of cases of large birth weight remain unexplained, and most macrosomic infants do not have recognizable risk factors.

What are the risks of having a big baby?

Macrosomia is related to infant mortality at birth, neonatal injury, maternal death, and complications of cesarean delivery. Later, these babies also face an increased risk of health problems that hinder their quality of life, such as obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Meanwhile, mothers who give birth to large babies through normal labor are at risk of developing birth-related injuries, including major tears in the uterus, vagina and rectum, and injuries to the sit / tail bone. Normal birth of a baby macrosomia also increases your risk of experiencing severe bleeding during childbirth which can be fatal due to uterine muscles that do not contract after giving birth (uterine atony). A large baby also means you are more likely to have a caesarean section, which has its own risks.

1. Injury to a baby during labor

It takes more time and a more complicated process to be able to successfully give birth to a large baby through normal labor. Macrosomia babies are at risk of developing shoulder dystocia during the birth process. Shoulder dystocia is a condition in which the shoulder is trapped inside the mother's body after the doctor manages to pull her head out. This is a rare situation, but it is very serious because it can cause severe injury and even death.

Baby's shoulders trapped under the bones of the mother's pelvis during labor can cause nerve damage to the baby's shoulders, arms and neck. Nerve damage occurs in 2-16% of infants who have shoulder dystocia. In rare cases, your baby can end up with a broken collarbone or upper arm bone.

Infant mortality can occur due to asphyxia (lack of oxygen) or birth trauma that can cause physical or neurological defects, such as brachial palsy and clavicle fractures. Giving birth to a large baby can also result in the baby needing breathing assistance after labor and having thicker heart muscle abnormalities. Large babies are also at high risk for jaundice.

2. Obese babies

Women who are overweight or obese before pregnancy have a two to three times higher risk of developing gestational diabetes during pregnancy compared to women who are not obese before.

Excess blood sugar and insulin production can cause excess growth and fat storage, making the baby's weight bigger. In the womb, these babies are accustomed to high sugar levels, but when they are born, their food source is suddenly cut off. In the end, large babies tend to have low blood sugar and need to be monitored from birth.

3. Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions characterized by increased blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, excess body fat around the waist, or abnormal cholesterol levels. Metabolic syndrome can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Large babies are at high risk of developing metabolic syndrome because they have underlying health conditions, such as obesity and insulin resistance.

4. Autism

The risk of autism does not only appear to occur in infants with low birth weight (LBW), but also in babies born with excess weight. The results of a 2013 study from Manchester University found that large babies born with a weight above 4.5 kg showed an increased risk of autism by as much as 60 percent, compared to babies with normal weight.

Researchers suspect that the link between large-born babies and the risk of autism starts with the baby's growth problems during the womb, which may be caused by abnormalities in placental function. Anything that promotes developmental and growth disorders will also affect the baby's brain development. This risk appears very high in babies where they grow poorly and continue in the womb until after 40 weeks. This may be because these babies are exposed to unhealthy conditions in the mother's womb for a long time.

Tips for Choosing Milk Bottles and Pacifiers that are Good for Babies

Looking for milk bottles and pacifiers for your baby, but are you still confused as to what good milk bottles and pacifiers are? Maybe some of the tips below can help you in choosing milk bottles and teats.

Maybe some mothers think that all milk and pacifier bottles are the same for babies, it makes no difference. But make no mistake, there are several types of milk bottles and teats to suit your baby's needs. Not only that, you need to be careful in choosing milk bottles and pacifiers. Choose milk bottles and pacifiers with ingredients that are safe for your baby, don't even cause a chemical reaction when hot water is poured into the bottle.

How do you choose a safe milk bottle?

Many milk and pacifier bottles with various models and brands sold in Indonesia. The milk bottle and pacifier are designed in such a way as to make it easier for the baby to suckle with a bottle. So, you can't arbitrarily choose a milk bottle and pacifier for your baby, choose one that is safe and suitable for your baby's needs. Here are the tips.

1. Choose safe milk bottle ingredients

There are various kinds of milk bottles made from various different ingredients. Milk bottles are usually made of glass, silicone, plastic and stainless steel. However, most of which are sold are milk bottles with plastic materials. Plastic material has its own advantages compared to other materials. Its lighter weight than other ingredients makes milk bottles made from plastic more comfortable and suitable for use for babies. In addition, milk bottles from plastic are also cheaper and easier to find than other ingredients.

However, many people are worried about the chemicals in plastic. Yes, there is indeed a plastic material that is safe and unsafe to use as a food or beverage container. For that, in choosing a milk bottle, you should choose one that contains the label "BPA-free". The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned BPA (bisphenol A) in making all baby bottles in 2012.

Besides choosing milk bottles with "BPA-free", you should also choose milk bottles made of plastic with number 2 or 5. Avoid choosing milk bottles with plastic number 7 or having information on PC (polycarbonate) because they contain a lot of BPA. Also, choose a plastic milk bottle that looks rather blurry. Usually this bottle is made of polyethylene or polypropylene and does not contain BPA.

You should also not boil your baby's bottle because heat can cause BPA from plastic to break down and mix with your baby's milk. Even though your baby's milk bottle is claimed not to contain BPA, you should still do this as a preventative measure. Washing milk bottles before and after use using warm water, soap, and a special bottle brush is enough to make your baby's milk bottle sterile from bacteria and germs that attach.

2. Choose the appropriate milk bottle shape

There are various forms of milk bottles sold. Some are taller, shorter, and some are straight and curved. This depends on your likes and baby's. Choose a milk bottle with a shape that makes it easy for the baby to hold it.

Also choose the size of the milk bottle according to your baby's feeding needs. Usually babies with a small age need less milk compared to older babies. Choose a milk bottle with a size of 50 ml for your baby who is still small and increase the size of the milk bottle to a larger size (120 ml or more than 200 ml) for your baby that has started to grow.

How to choose a baby pacifier?

Just like a milk bottle, baby pacifiers are also not arbitrarily chosen. There are various types and shapes of baby pacifiers and can be tailored to your baby's needs.

1. Select the material

Baby pacifiers are usually made of latex or silicone. Dot from latex material is usually softer and flexible, but its use cannot last long. In some cases, babies can have allergies to latex ingredients. Meanwhile, pacifiers from silicon are stronger and more durable.

2. Select the shape

Usually baby pacifiers are shaped like bells or domes. There is also an orthodontic dot that is designed to adjust to your baby's palate and gums. This dot has a ball that is flatter and rests on the baby's tongue. Dot with a flat or wide end is more like the nipple of the mother's breast, so the baby is more comfortable. You can choose pacifiers with this form during the transition from breastfeeding to bottle milk.

3. Select the size and flow

In addition to its shape, another thing that must be considered when choosing a baby pacifier is the size and flow. There are pacifiers that have slower and faster flow. Premature babies or newborns need the smallest dot size with slower flow. 

How to Hold the Baby Right?

Carrying a baby has become a common activity for parents who have small babies. Various ways and positions of carrying for each parent may be different. You see other parents carrying their babies facing the front, facing their parents, or some holding them behind. However, which holding position is better? Look here for the answer.

Hold the baby in front

You can carry it in front by positioning the baby to face you or out to see the surrounding area. Carrying a baby in front and facing the parents who carry it often is done for babies aged around 2-3 months. At this age the baby's main concern is the human face. This position is good for most babies because your little one will have a clear view. Your little one can also observe your face when you are interacting with others, thus giving the baby plenty of experience to learn.

Not only that, parents themselves have many opportunities to observe the various funny expressions of the child. Parents can learn to be more sensitive to the needs and desires of the child.

Sometimes during the first year, most babies who are held in front in a position facing parents will start turning to see what's behind them. Take it easy, with the flexibility of the baby's neck and the development of his vision, your baby is able to observe quite a lot of things in the surrounding environment with the position of this sling.

Carrying the baby in front while facing outward can introduce the baby to the surrounding environment. However, this position should be done after the baby is six months old. Because until the age of the first six months, the baby really needs interaction with the face with his parents for optimal neuronal development of the baby's brain and to increase the bond between parents and children.

Carrying it facing out also makes it difficult for you to see the baby's reaction to what he sees, whether he likes it or not. Does the baby give a good response or not. Therefore, you should hold the baby in this position for a short time and in a calm environment and known by the baby.

If your child has started to get nervous or fussy when carried in this position, you should move the baby to another position or face you. Because the baby may experience overstimulation. For example, when there is a lot of glare blinking or too many people passing in front of it.

Carrying a baby in the back is usually done when the baby is heavy enough to be carried in front. This position can also make it easier for parents to do other activities but still while caring for the little one. For example when washing clothes, preparing meals, or shopping to the market. Your little one can also look around.

However, this position may be a little worrying for some parents, because you feel you cannot see what your baby is doing when held behind. Therefore, make sure the baby carrier that you use is sturdy and comfortable for your little one.

Here are tips on safely carrying a baby behind.

  • To avoid injury when just trying to hold a baby in the back, do it on a bed or a soft surface and with the help of others.
  • Carrying on the back of the back should only be used when the little head and neck are strong and consistent, and the baby can sit alone perfectly.
  • Tighten the sling shoulder bond to keep the baby safe and make sure the baby is close to your back. However, don't get too tight. Make sure the baby feels comfortable and can still move.
So, in the end the best position to carry a baby should be adjusted to many things. For example the activity of babies and parents at that time, physical readiness of the baby, and the type of baby carrier you use. However, the three positions above are legitimately done as long as carefully.

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