Baby's Vision Development from Birth

Newborns cannot immediately see clearly as adults. In the first weeks of life, babies cannot see clearly at all and cannot distinguish colors. It takes several months for baby's vision to develop so the baby can see.

Impaired vision in the eyes of infants and toddlers can hinder the development of children, so the role of parents to realize visual disturbances as early as possible is very important. By understanding what the development of a baby's eyesight is like, you can recognize the potential for visual impairment in your child.

Development of baby's vision

Babies are born with imperfect vision. Babies need to learn to see along with age growth. Healthy, normal eyes are needed so babies can learn to use their eyes in their daily lives as they grow up. Vision problems in infancy and toddlers can cause delays in the development of a child's vision.

Newborn eyesight

At birth, babies only see black and white as well as variations in gray shadows because nerve cells in the retina that have not fully developed. Newborns do not yet have the ability to focus their vision on an object that is close, so don't worry if your baby is not focusing on you.

Despite these limitations, research shows that within a few days after birth, babies tend to recognize the face of the mother rather than the face of a stranger. This is associated with a striking difference between the hairline and the mother's face. If the mother changes her hairstyle or covers her hair with accessories, the baby cannot recognize her mother.

Development of vision in the first month

In the first month of life, babies are not too sensitive to light so you don't have to worry about turning on the lights when your child is asleep. Generally babies will not be disturbed.

In the first week, babies begin to have the ability to see colors, ranging from red, orange, yellow, and green. Whereas to see blue and purple, babies need longer because blue light has shorter wavelengths and fewer blue receptors in humans.

Vision development in 2-3 months

Baby's vision develops in the second and third months. Baby's vision becomes sharper and both eyes begin to work together to see more clearly. Your baby should be able to follow the movement of an object and try to reach for something he sees. Babies also learn to shift their eyes from one object to another without moving their head.

In addition, the baby becomes more sensitive to light so you don't forget to dim your child's room lights so he can sleep better.

At the age of 1-2 months, coordination of the baby's eyes is not maximal, so that if you sometimes see the eyes of a crossed child (strabismus). That is normal. However, if this happens too often, even consistently or the difference is large enough, it is advisable to immediately bring your child to the doctor.

Vision development in 4-6 months

At this stage, the baby experiences rapid development in the brain that regulates vision, so the baby can see sharper and move the eyeball faster and accurately when following an object. Baby's visual acuity develops from 20/400 at birth to 20/25 in the sixth month. Babies can see colors as adults.

Babies also begin to have better hand and eye coordination in the fourth to sixth month, so the baby can pick up an object or direct the milk bottle towards his mouth properly.

At 5 months of age, babies begin to recognize depth perception, where babies will begin to recognize the distance between an object and other objects. At this age babies begin to see in three dimensions.

Keep in mind, the age of 6 months is the right time to check your child's eyes to the doctor to see if there is a disturbance in eye acuity in children.

Vision development in 7-12 months

Your child can now crawl and start learning to coordinate vision with his body movements. Babies are better at determining distance and more accurate in taking and throwing objects.

At this time, you must pay extra attention to guarding your child from injury because he will begin to explore his environment.

The Importance of the First 1000 Days of Child Life

Have you ever heard of scaling up nutrition? Scaling up nutrition is a movement carried out by 57 countries in the world with the aim of eliminating various types of malnutrition, based on the principle that all people deserve good food and good nutrition. This movement is a joint movement of government, community institutions, United Nations, entrepreneurs, scientists, and various layers of society.

The focus of the scaling up nutrition movement is meeting the needs of the first 1000 days of life in order to reduce the number of malnutrition. At present, one in three children is malnourished. The impact of malnutrition that occurs in children will not only last during childhood but will continue to impact to adulthood. One of the effects of malnutrition that will continue to be carried by the child until the child becomes an adult is stunting or short. Stunting occurs when children are shorter than the average height of their age. Not only has an impact on the physical, stunting children are usually also associated with intelligence that is also lower when compared with their friends.

Why is reducing the number of malnutrition so important?

Reducing malnutrition can have a positive effect in various aspects. Malnourished children will tend to become mothers who are also malnourished and then give birth to malnourished children. This cycle will continue to occur as long as improvements in nutrition and health have not been carried out. Furthermore, malnourished children tend to get sick more easily and experience health problems in the future such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Not only is it beneficial in terms of health, some economists take into account the effects that will be caused if malnutrition in children is successfully eliminated, namely:

  • Reducing child mortality is more than one third of the number of children who die per year.
  • Increase revenue by 5-50%.
  • Children who have good nutrition are 33% more likely not to experience poverty when compared to poorly nourished children
Some important aspects that are also the target of scaling up nutrition are driving exclusive breastfeeding and complementary foods that are good and correct, food fortification, supplementation of micronutrients such as iron, vitamins and minerals, and effective care for those who suffer from malnutrition and poor nutrition.

Why do we have to pay attention to the first 1000 days of a child's life?

One of the movements promoted by scaling up nutrition is fulfilling the needs of children during the first 1000 days of life. The first 1000 days of life are also referred to as the window of opportunity. Why does it have to be 1000 days? Because for 1000 days it was believed that children were in their golden age. Fulfillment of good nutrition during the first 1000 days of life will make a child's ability to grow and learn better.

The first 1000 days of life are calculated starting from the first day of conception and then embryos are formed until the child is 2 years old. Nutritional adequacy during pregnancy until the first years of a child's life plays a role in shaping brain function to help strengthen the immune system. It was also said that in the first 1000 days of life, it was determined how the future of the child would be

The results of the examination of the intelligence development score of children at 22 months can be used as an accurate indicator to predict how the child's academic abilities at the age of 26 years. In addition, when the baby is born, only 25% of the brain is developed. However, when he reached the age of 3 years this brain development has increased by 80%. The rapid growth of children during the first 1000 days of life must be supported by the fulfillment of proper nutrition.

What you can do to maximize the first 1000 days of life

During pregnancy

  • To prevent child growth disorders, fulfill your nutritional needs since becoming pregnant. For example, during the first trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women need an additional calorie of around 180 kcal, 20 grams of added protein, 6 grams of fat, and 25 grams of carbohydrates. In the second and third trimesters you need an additional 300 kcal of calories, an additional protein of up to 20 grams, 10 grams of fat, and 40 grams of carbohydrates.
  • Consuming blood tablets at least 90 tablets during pregnancy. Anemia in pregnant women is more dangerous than ordinary anemia because it can cause premature babies and other complications during childbirth.
  • Routine check-up with the obstetrician or midwife so that it can be treated immediately if a pregnancy problem is detected.

When a baby is born until 6 months old

  • Mothers are advised to carry out a birthing process in a midwife or a trained doctor who already knows the birth procedure and how to deal with complications that might arise during the birth process.
  • Immediately after birth it is recommended to carry out an Early Breastfeeding Initiation.

The Importance of Normal Weight in Newborns

When the baby is born, the thing that is usually asked first is the weight. If the weight is in the normal range, surely the mother and family will be happy. The newborn's weight can be a benchmark for the health of the baby later.

Yes, many studies have proven that low birth weight babies are at risk of developing various diseases later on. In fact, low weight causes 60-80% of the world's newborn deaths, according to WHO data

How much weight is a normal baby?

Birth weight (BBL) is your baby's first weight measured after the baby is born. Birth weight is said to be normal, it can be in the range 2500-4000 grams, in babies born quite old (gestational age 37-40 weeks).

In contrast to premature babies, where the baby is born at a gestational age of less than 37 weeks, which usually has a birth weight of less than 2500 grams. So that premature babies are more at risk of having low birth weight (LBW). Babies born around the date they are supposed to be born tend to have a greater weight than babies born earlier.

What is the risk of a baby who weighs less than or more than normal?

The baby's weight is said to be low if it is less than 2500 grams (LBW), and it is said that the weight of a large baby is more than 4000 grams (large baby).

LBW babies

Newborns who have low body weight can increase the risk of future health problems in their lives. A low-weight baby can experience nutritional problems and development early in life, and if he cannot correct his problem in the early years of his life, it can increase the risk of health problems, such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease , because the food intake he consumes is not in accordance with his body's needs.

So, health problems in infants with low birth weight may be avoided by improving nutrition at the beginning of their lives, so that babies can catch up. In addition, the problems faced by infants with LBW also depend on what causes them to become LBW, during the pregnancy stage where the baby experiences limitations to grow in the womb, and how severe the LBW level is. The smaller the baby's birth weight and the faster the baby is born, the greater the risk of the baby experiencing health problems.

Big baby

Large babies can be caused by the size of parents who are also large (genetic) and increased maternal weight during excessive pregnancy. In addition, it can also be caused because the mother has diabetes during pregnancy. Diabetes during pregnancy, also known as gestational diabetes, causes maternal blood glucose to flow to the baby to increase, so the baby's body produces more insulin. Excess blood sugar and insulin production can cause babies to grow bigger and more baby fat reserves, so that the weight of a baby can reach more than 4000 grams.

This large baby can make it difficult for the mother during childbirth, and she may have to take a caesarean section for her birth. In addition, large babies caused by gestational diabetes can cause babies to experience problems with regulating glucose in their bodies, for example babies can experience hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) after the baby is born. Large babies can also experience difficulty breathing, jaundice, and increase the risk of birth defects.

What affects the baby's birth weight?

There are many factors that can affect a baby's birth weight, namely:

  • Parent's body size. The large and tall body size of a parent can have a baby with a larger size than the average baby, while a short and small parent may have a baby who is also smaller than an average baby.
  • Twins. Twins or more babies are usually born with a smaller size than other babies. This happens because they have to share space to grow in the womb, but also usually twins prematurely born.
  • Maternal health during pregnancy. Pregnant women with high blood pressure or heart problems, or mothers who smoke, drink alcohol, and drugs during pregnancy tend to give birth to babies with low weight. While pregnant women who suffer from diabetes or obesity during pregnancy tend to give birth to babies with greater weight. Therefore, you should check your health condition regularly during pregnancy.
  • Nutrition during pregnancy. Of course you already know that good nutrition during pregnancy is very influential on the growth and development of babies during the womb. Poor nutrition during pregnancy can affect the baby's birth weight and subsequent baby growth. Meanwhile, if the mother has gained too much weight during pregnancy, the risk of the baby being born with more weight.

Are Pacifiers Good for Babies?

Often we see babies sucking their pacifiers. Somehow some babies love to flip, even though there is no intake of anything they get from the pacifier. But, when tapping, babies can get peace. Most babies do have a strong sucking reflex, so they like to suck their thumbs or also suck on the pacifier. However, is giving baby pacifiers harmless?

What are the benefits of pacifiers for babies?

Some babies like to cheat for various reasons. One of them is because the pacifier can give it satisfaction after breastfeeding. Some babies are still fussy after breastfeeding even though they are full, but they usually calm down after being given a pacifier. So, some mothers choose to give pacifiers to their babies.

In addition to satisfaction, some babies also get calm when tapping. For example, when the baby is fussy or when the baby is afraid of something (when injected or taking blood, for example). The pacifier can be something that can shift the baby's focus, making it calmer.

The pacifier can also help the baby fall asleep. And, one more thing that might be surprising is that pacifiers can help reduce the risk of SIDS (sudden death syndrome in infants). Some studies have shown that babies who are sleeping at night and napping have a lower risk of SIDS. This study does not show that pacifiers can prevent SIDS, but there is a strong relationship between squeezing and a lower risk of SIDS.

However, you should consider carefully when you should be able to give a pacifier to your baby. False, maybe the pacifier can have a bad impact on your baby's habits.

What is the risk of breastfeeding for babies?

Certainly, it can become a habit that is difficult to release. The introduction of pacifiers that are too early in the baby can make her breastfeeding activities disrupted. Research shows that giving pacifiers too early is associated with a decrease in exclusive breastfeeding and the duration of breastfeeding. It is feared, if the baby has received a pacifier before he is accustomed to a good pattern of breastfeeding, the baby will choose a pacifier rather than suckling in the mother's breast.

In addition, tapping can also increase the risk of ear infections in infants. However, for babies up to 6 months of age, the risk of experiencing this infection seems to be the lowest. Therefore, so that the risk of ear infections does not increase, you should try to stop the baby's habit of slowly slowing when he is more than 6 months old. After all, at this age babies can be introduced to solid foods, which may help reduce the baby's eating habits.

If the pacifier is used in the long term, the eating habits can also cause tooth decay. The use of pacifiers during the first few years of life may not cause dental problems. However, if too long this habit is maintained for years, it can cause the teeth to not grow properly. However, said Evelina W. Sterling, PhD, MPH, an assistant author of Your Child's Teeth: A Complete Guide for Parents, "Teething problems can usually be fixed on their own within 6 months of stopping, before the age of 2 years," such as reported by WebMd. So, it can be concluded that it is best to continue the process after the child is 1.5 years old so that the child's teeth are not problematic.

Babies who are already very accustomed to pacifiers, may also be easily fussy if the time is pressed (when the pacifier is released from the baby's mouth or the pacifier falls, for example). If this happens often, maybe the mother will be more troublesome. Instead of a pacifier can give peace to the baby, it can actually make the baby not calm if not mengempeng.

At what age should the baby be given a pacifier?

If you are breastfeeding, you should wait until the baby can suckle well, your milk supply is sufficient, and the milk comes out smoothly before giving the baby a pacifier. Babies can distinguish between the sucking of the pacifier and the mother's breast, so that the pacifier can interfere with the baby's interest in breastfeeding in the mother's breast.

You can start giving pacifiers when the baby is at least 3-4 weeks old. If your baby suckles well, gains weight, and has a regular breastfeeding pattern, maybe you can give the baby a pacifier early. What you should pay attention to is that you should give the baby a pacifier after the baby is full of breast milk, so the baby has all the nutrients he needs.

If your baby has a weight problem, you should not give your baby a pacifier. Also, you should not give your baby a pacifier if the baby has difficulty feeding or if you have a small amount of breast milk (milk is not smooth).

Apparently, Newborns Have Not Have Their Own Immune System

The body is designed not to be susceptible to disease because each individual has an immune system. The immune system aka the immune system is a system that works to protect the body from various things that can cause the body to experience pain. But what about the body system that children have? Why are children more susceptible to disease? Or do they have a weak immune system?

What are the components of the human immune system?

The human immune system is a defense system that is formed to prevent humans from getting sick. The immune system will produce antibodies, white blood cells, and various substances that can destroy foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses. Not only that, the immune system also consists of:

  • Tonsils (tonsils) and thymus that function to make antibodies in the body.
  • Lymph nodes, which are responsible for the circulation of lymph fluid which consists of white blood cells that function to protect the body from infection.
  • Bone marrow, is a soft tissue found in long bones, such as the arms, legs, spine, and pelvic bones. This network functions to produce red blood cells, platelets, yellow marrow, and several types of white blood cells.
  • The spleen, which is an organ in the body whose job is to filter and destroy red blood cells and platelets that are old or damaged, and help the immune system to destroy various foreign substances that can cause inflammation in the body.
  • White blood cells, which are blood cells formed in soft bone tissue that have the main function to protect the body from infection.
  • Newborn antibodies come from their mothers

Actually a newborn cannot directly produce its own immune system. So, all the components of the immune system in the newborn are obtained from the mother.

When pregnancy is old and approaches birth, the mother's immune system will be transferred to the fetus through blood vessels and placenta. The component of the immune system that the mother gives to the fetus is Immunoglobulin G (IgG). Immunoglobulin is a type of antibody formed by the body to fight poisons, bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances. Whereas among the various types of immunoglobulins, only IgG can cross the placenta and is the smallest antibody formed by the body but the most amount.

At least 75 to 80 percent of IgG from total antibodies is formed. Therefore, babies born prematurely are very susceptible to various diseases because they do not get enough antibodies from the mother.

IgG is considered very important to keep the fetus in the womb from getting infected and various complications that could endanger their health. This condition is called passive immunity, because antibodies are produced from the mother and then given to the child through various processes.

After birth, the baby must get exclusive milk from the mother, because breast milk contains complete antibodies, namely, immunoglobulin A, immunoglobulin D, immunoglobulin E, immunoglobulin G, and immunoglobulin M.

Therefore, breast milk is considered the most perfect food for babies because in addition to being very easily digested, it is also able to protect babies who are vulnerable to various types of infectious diseases. In addition, breast milk which first comes out shortly after the mother gives birth or is often called yellow colostrum contains a lot of antibodies that are enough to protect the baby at birth.

How long can maternal antibodies survive in the baby's body? When does the baby produce its own immune system?
In healthy babies, with increasing age, babies will naturally form their own antibodies. Antibodies that are successfully received by babies from mothers through breast milk over time will decrease. When babies are 2 to 3 months old, babies have begun to build up the immune system and produce their own antibodies. After the baby enters the age of 6 months, the body's immune system can work normally, like the immune system in adults.

Giving immunization to children under five is also very important to do because it can increase and strengthen the immune system of those who have just been formed. Basic immunization is needed by newborns, which consists of bacillus calmette guerin (BCG), diphtheria pertussis tetanus-hepatitis b (DPT-HB) or diphtheria pertussis tetanus-hepatitis b-hemophilus influenza type b (DPT-HB-Hib), hepatitis B in newborns, polio and measles. Then there is continued immunization which is a repeat immunization to prolong protection from disease.

Baby Massage: Benefits and How to Do It

Baby massage is one trend that is quite popular with new parents lately. You can even take your baby to a spa center or baby massage that is now spreading everywhere. However, experts recommend that the baby's father or mother should massage the baby instead of taking him for a massage at the baby spa. New parents are generally hesitant to massage their own babies for fear of massaging or hurting the baby. No need to worry, baby massage techniques are basically very simple and can be done alone at home.

Benefits of baby massage

Baby massage turns out to offer various benefits for both babies and parents. In addition to helping babies to be more relaxed and comfortable, baby massage can also bring you and your baby closer. See the full explanation below.

Sleep better

Has your baby ever been crying, but your baby's crying subsides immediately after being carried? Parental touch can indeed make the baby feel safer and relaxed. So, by massaging your baby, it will be calmer and sleep at night even more soundly. Baby massage will stimulate the baby's central nervous system so that his brain produces serotonin, a substance that can make your baby feel better.

Form stronger inner bonds

A loving touch in the movement that beritme is a form of positive communication between parents and babies. You can also massage while taking your baby to talk slowly in a soothing tone. Babies will also learn to trust your touch and direction. For new parents who are still nervous or anxious about facing a baby, baby massage is a powerful way to restore self-confidence and positive thoughts.

Tips for preparing a baby spa at home

Wait for the baby over 2 weeks before massaging the baby to avoid the risk of irritation or allergies to baby oil. We recommend that baby oil is not directly applied to the baby's body, but first pour it in the palm of the hand and rub it until it feels warm. You can massage your baby when his mood is good and his body is healthy.

Prepare a massage pad in the form of a towel, soft cloth, or baby diaper pad. In order for the baby to relax, you can close the curtains or dim a little room light so that the light is not too dazzling for the baby. Also make sure that the room temperature is warm enough because you have to take off the blankets and baby clothes during the massage. Baby massage will usually not take more than 15 minutes.

Watch your baby's reaction to the massage. Your baby will cry or whine if you feel uncomfortable. You can stop the massage if your baby does not like the sensation. It could be because your hand or baby oil feels cold on his skin or because he doesn't like to lie still for long.

Safe technique for baby massage

When massaging a baby, you can rely on feeling or about the size of the pressure your baby likes. Basically, baby massage does not require pressure because the nerves and muscles are still very sensitive. You only need to stroke or rub the baby with a sure but gentle motion. Please directly check the baby massage technique below.

1. Feet

Start from your baby's feet. Very soft, sequential thighs to your baby's ankles. Repeat on the other leg. After that, lift the soles of the feet and with similar movements, massage the soles of the feet from heel to fingertips. With your thumb, make a circular motion on your baby's heel slowly. Repeat also on the other leg.

2. Hands

Sort the baby's arm from the armpit to the wrist slowly. Then gently, hold the baby's hand as if to shake hands. Turn his wrist clockwise, followed by a counterclockwise rotation. Repeat the two movements in the other hand. Then, with both of your thumbs, make a circular motion on the right and left sides of your baby's palm. Do the same movement in the other palm.

3. Chest

Lay your baby on his back and make sure your palms are warm enough, not too cold or hot on the baby's skin. Place your palms on the baby's chest and make circular motions outward. Alternate by putting your palm back on his chest. Repeat this movement several times.

4. Back

Lay your baby in a prone position. You can lean your head on a thick blanket or a pillow that isn't too high so that the little one feels comfortable. Make sure that your baby's hand is on the side of his head, not on the side of his body. Your position should be next to the baby, not in front or behind it. With the tips of your fingers, trace the back from the point below the neck to the back of the waist. After that, place the palms of your hands on the baby's back and pull them to the ends of his feet.

Get to Know the Baby's Fart and Its Causes

All mothers want their babies to be healthy. Every change that is shown by the baby, surely the mother can find it. However, sometimes these changes actually make the mother worry about the baby's condition. One of them is the baby's fart smell that changes as usual, more foul. Maybe this is influenced by the food that babies eat. However, can this be a sign related to baby's health?

Get to know the baby's fart and its causes

Farting is a sign that the baby's stomach is full of gas, and this is normal. Gas can be caused by food entering the baby's body or when the baby is eating (gas-containing air can enter through the baby's mouth). So, farting babies does not always mean he has a stomach ache or is having a problem with his digestive system.

Some of the causes of baby fart are:

1. The digestive tract is immature

The baby's digestive tract is not fully mature and is still developing. This causes the baby to fart. Fart can be a result of digesting lactose, nutrients, and protein from food. As the baby's digestive system develops better, baby's fart may decrease in frequency.

2. Gas-containing foods

The food that babies eat can also cause babies to fart. Just like adults, eating lots of nuts or vegetables that produce gas can cause farting. Babies who are still breastfed can get this impact from the food you eat. Mothers who eat lots of oranges and dairy products can also cause baby's stomach to bloate and cause farting.

3. Swallow air

When eating or breastfeeding, the baby also swallows air. This gas-containing air then builds up in the baby's body and is released from the body through farting. Babies who suckle using milk bottles can also swallow more air.

4. Just start solid food

Newborns that are first introduced to solid foods may also experience farting more often. The baby's digestive system takes time to get used to digesting solid foods. This might cause digestive problems in the baby and the baby's stomach gums.

5. Frequent crying

Babies who often cry cause more air to enter the baby's body. This causes more gas to accumulate in the baby's digestive tract, causing farting.

Why does the smell of baby fart vary?

Many types of baby farts, you as a parent must recognize whether your baby's fart smell is normal or not. Sometimes when a baby farts, the baby's fart does not produce any smell and sometimes the baby's fart smells very bad. This may be related to food that babies eat.

However, if you don't find a connection between baby food and its fart smell, the baby may have an infection in his stomach. Moreover, if the baby fart more often than usual, this may be a sign that the baby is experiencing digestive problems.

The smell of baby fart is produced by the content of various gases contained in the baby's fart. Most of the gas contained in baby farts is carbon dioxide gas. In addition, baby farts also contain hydrogen, methane, nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen and oxygen gas can enter the baby's body when the baby swallows food, when the air is swallowed by the baby. This gas then mixes with hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane along the digestive tract. Baby farts also contain small amounts of sulfur gas, but this gas causes fart to smell. The smell of sulfur gas is almost the same as the smell of rotten eggs.

The following are types of baby fart based on the smell and the cause.

Baby fart does not smell

This baby fart is caused by gas that builds up in the baby's stomach because of the air swallowed by the baby (when eating or crying, for example) and the result of breaking down food in the baby's digestive system. Because of this, baby farts usually don't smell and this is normal. You can only hear the sound but can't smell the fart.

Baby farts emit mild odors (like sulfur)

This fart odor is usually caused by foods containing sulfur that babies eat. These foods, such as nuts and vegetables, especially broccoli and cauliflower. This food may not be eaten directly by the baby, but it enters the baby's body through breast milk. So, this also depends on the food you eat (if the baby is still breastmilk). This mild fart smell is also normal and can disappear quickly.

The baby's fart smell is strong, like sulfur

This fart odor is also caused by food that enters the baby's body, from food that the baby directly eats or through breast milk. Vegetables eaten by babies can produce gas after digestion, especially those that contain lots of fiber and starch.

Why Are Babies Fart More Than Adults?

Does your baby often fart? Normally, babies are more often farting than adults. In fact, in a day the baby can release gas as much as 13-21 times. A very large number, right? However, the fart that is often released by babies can also be a sign of digestive problems in infants. Infants often fart caused by various things, one of which is because babies swallow air more often. In addition, there are many other causes.

What are the causes of frequent farting babies?

A lot of gas in the baby's digestive tract can cause the baby to release the gas through farting. The gas that is present in the baby's digestive tract can be obtained by babies from various things.

Some things that can be the cause of frequent farting babies are:

Babies swallow air

The air ingested by the baby is the most common cause of why there is a lot of gas in the baby's digestive tract, so the baby often farts and burps. Not only babies, adults also swallow air, this is a normal thing. It's just that babies can swallow air more often. Babies can swallow air when:

  • During breastfeeding, either on the mother's breast or with a milk bottle
  • When eating or drinking with a glass
  • When the baby cries
  • When tapping
  • When swallowing saliva

If you think that a lot of air enters the baby's body when the baby is taken outdoors in windy weather or when traveling by motorbike or car with open glass, then your assumption is wrong. This is just a myth and cannot be the reason why the baby's stomach gases and the baby often farts.

Activity in the baby's digestive system

Normally the baby's digestive tract produces gas when digesting food. When food enters the baby's body, the acid is then produced in the baby's stomach. Furthermore, the acid is neutralized by the liquid produced by the baby's digestive tract when food passes through the intestine. The result is a reaction that produces gas.

Some of the gas produced will be absorbed into the bloodstream and then discharged through the baby's breath. The rest, the gas travel will continue through the large intestine and released as a fart. If the movement of the baby's digestive tract is normal, the amount of gas produced by the baby's digestive tract is also normal.

The baby's digestive system is immature

The immature digestive system of the baby causes digestive enzymes to digest food or milk not yet available in sufficient quantities. This results in babies not being able to digest one or more proteins, carbohydrates, or fats derived from milk, juice, and some foods perfectly. As a result, the baby's digestive tract will produce more gas, so the baby will often fart to release the gas.

Food eaten by babies

New babies first introduced with solid foods will usually fart more often. The baby's digestive system may take time to switch from liquid food (milk) to solid food. So that the baby may spend more effort in digesting food at first. This makes more gas produced in the digestive tract and the baby fart more often.

Babies who have eaten solid foods can also fart more often because of the food that babies eat. Eating gas-containing foods, such as nuts or certain vegetables that contain lots of fiber and starch, causes more gas buildup in the baby's digestive tract. Then, the gas will be released through fart.

Problems in the baby's digestive tract

In breastfed infants, digestive problems such as lactose intolerance can cause excess gas in the stomach and diarrhea. Usually this happens to babies with formula milk.

In addition, babies can also experience gastroenteritis or gastroenteritis which can cause excessive gas production in the digestive tract. This can cause the baby to fart more often and the baby to experience diarrhea. Gastroenteritis can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites.

Certain drugs

Some medications can also cause the baby to fart more often. Medicines given to treat colic, reflux, constipation, fever, and infections usually have side effects such as digestive tract disorders, abdominal cramps, excessive gas production, diarrhea, or constipation.

Important Reasons Why You Should Start Massaging Baby

Babies first learn to communicate through the touch of their parents. So, even though it's still very small, babies can enjoy and interpret the massage you give. Baby massage is indeed a new trend lately. However, baby massage is not just a trend. Massaging the baby is proven to be able to bring various benefits for you and your baby. Immediately see the various benefits of baby massage that should not be missed below.

Benefits of baby massage

Currently there are many baby massage services available, especially in big cities. Usually baby massage is offered along with baby spas. However, research has shown that it is best for parents to do their own massage. So, you don't need to take the baby to the spa or baby massage. Because, massaging the baby is also good for you.

1. Build an inner bond between parents and babies

Since birth, your baby has learned to know you and your partner. Newborns cannot recognize their parents through faces, but through your voice and touch. So, your gentle and intimate touch will help your baby build trust and positive feelings about you. He will also feel more comfortable and calm when together with you. You yourself will also learn to get to know the baby more closely.

When massaging it, you can observe its various expressions, its reaction to your touch and massage, and learn what your baby likes or doesn't like.

2. Helps baby relax more

If a crying baby can be comforted only with your arms or arms, imagine if you massage it for a few minutes. Massaging the baby will improve blood circulation and increase the levels of the hormone oxytocin. This will make it more relaxed and happy. If your baby is fussy and easily agitated, baby massage can be the solution. Baby massage can also reduce pain or discomfort if the baby has digestive problems or when his teeth will grow.

3. Babies sleep more soundly

Because his body relaxes, your baby will sleep more easily at night. With a good night's sleep, the baby will sleep all night, without having to wake up at 2am and crying. So, if your baby often wakes up in the middle of the night and cries, you can try massaging it in the afternoon. That way, when it's time to sleep your baby is ready and not fussy anymore.

4. Training the sensitivity of nerves and senses of the baby's touch

Through a gentle and rhythmic touch, the baby will receive positive stimulation for the nerves and senses that are not yet perfect. He will learn to distinguish which touches are too big and which ones are right. Your massage will also stimulate the activity of baby's nerves so that the various nerves will develop faster. In addition, the baby's muscles will also be more flexible and strong.

5. Supports baby's brain growth

Without realizing it, the benefits of baby massage are also felt by the baby's brain. New experiences will stimulate the birth of new brain cells needed for the growth and development of the brain. Through baby massage, he will learn new things. Starting from variations in your touch, the aroma of massage oil, to your communication with it. The stimulation will also produce myelin, a substance in the brain responsible for regulating nerve impulses related to motor and sensory abilities.

6. Increase parental confidence

Many parents feel overwhelmed, scared, and overly anxious after the birth of a baby. Having a baby is indeed a thrilling experience, but it is also full of warmth and love. By massaging the baby, you will be more calm and confident in facing the baby. Because, this activity helps you realize that you can control various situations that arise when together with a baby. No need to feel overwhelmed or anxious when facing your baby.

7. Relieves postpartum depression

For women who experience postpartum depression, the benefits of baby massage are good for your mood and mind. When you massage your baby, you will also feel relaxed. This triggers the production of the hormone oxytocin which makes you feel more positive. Interacting intently with the baby is also effective in improving your mood. If so far people who suffer from postpartum depression can only see their babies as stressors, spending quality time along with baby massage will help change that mindset

What are the Benefits of a Baby Spa, and Are It Needed?

Going to a spa is one way to pamper yourself when you are stricken with fatigue or if you just want to refresh your body and mind. Apparently, not only adults can enjoy pampering treatments at the spa. Lately, baby spas or spas for babies are rife, especially in big cities. The pioneers of baby spa promise a variety of health benefits for the baby. However, is it true that spas are good for the development of your baby? Or perhaps it's just a trend? Before you spoil your baby at a spa, consider the following important things first.

What is baby spa?

Baby spa is a treatment designed to provide positive stimulation in babies 3 weeks to 3 years old. Generally baby spas are divided into two sessions. In the first session, your baby will bathe in a pool using a float. This session usually lasts 10-15 minutes, depending on your baby's reaction when first entering the water. If you are used to it, the duration can be 30 minutes.

Every baby spa facility has different policies. In most baby spas, your baby will soak in the pool with one or two other babies. Warm pool water will usually be replaced every session ends. For pools of babies over 6 months, the water may not always be replaced every session because it already uses ozone filter technology.

In the second session afterwards, the baby will be massaged by a therapist. This baby massage lasts for about 15 minutes. Some spas allow you or your partner to learn to massage your own baby. However, generally a therapist who is certified will massage your baby.

Because the rules and policies of each spa are different, you should first find out more information and compare some spa facilities before registering your baby.

The benefits of baby spa for the baby

Because of its increasing popularity, experts have begun to explore the benefits of baby spas for the mental and physical development of babies. According to various studies, the spa turned out to be good for growing up baby. Here are the various benefits of baby spa.

  • Floating in a pool will help babies practice balance.
  • Encourage motor development and body coordination because in the water the baby will learn to kick, swing his body, and move his hands more freely.
  • Increases the strength of the muscles and bones of the baby through movements in water that has greater pressure.
  • Soaking in a warm pool will make the baby feel more relaxed and calm. Baby massage will also reduce baby's anxiety and crying, especially when sleeping at night.
  • Prevent digestive problems through baby massage.
  • Encourage brain development through sensory stimulation. The brain will produce new cells every time the baby moves to the baby spa pool. The nerves of the brain will also form many new connections because various senses of the baby get stimuli in the form of touches from baby massage, fragrance from massage oil, and warm water when bathing.
  • Learn to socialize with other babies who soak with him.

What needs to be considered before joining the baby spa

If you want to introduce your baby to the baby spa experience, it never hurts to try. Furthermore, these pediatricians who are members of the American Academy of Pediatrics remind parents to pay attention to these things before taking the baby to the spa.

  • Before joining the baby spa, the baby should be full and not sleepy. If you are hungry and sleepy, your baby will not be able to enjoy a spa session.
  • Find out and ask for pool water filtration methods, any chemicals in the pool, massage oils used, and other things about spa hygiene and safety. Because the baby's immune system is not perfect, so it is still very vulnerable to germs, bacteria, and chemicals.
  • Try to join the baby spa with another baby you know near her parents. This is so you can avoid the risk of your baby soaking in the same pool with other babies with certain infectious health problems.
  • Every baby has a different development process. You should judge yourself wisely whether your baby is physically and mentally prepared to join the baby spa. You can prepare your baby to join the spa by asking him to play water or take a bath while the baby is bathing.

Stages of Babies Know the Taste of Food, from Birth to 12 Months Old

The ability to recognize the very important taste possessed by the baby, this is of course related to the intake and food to be consumed. Maybe all mothers wonder when babies get to know the taste of food. The answer is when the baby is still in the womb. Yes, when in the womb exactly at the age of pregnancy enters the 9th week, the mouth and tongue of the fetus begin to be formed. At this age, taste buds (the parts contained on the tongue that act as recipients of taste) begin to appear on the fetus' tongue. Then, how do babies recognize taste?

Newborns up to the age of 3 months

After your baby is born, the sense of taste that is on the baby's tongue is very sensitive. Even the ability to feel the taste that is owned by the baby is better than adults because it has taste buds that are larger and many in size. These taste buds are not only on the tongue, but also on the tonsils and the back of the baby's throat. Babies will feel sweet and sour at that time. But they prefer sweetness. This is one reason why your baby likes breast milk.

Infants aged 3-6 months

Babies who are three months old will develop on the tongue. This is indicated by the baby always putting fingers or stuffing into his mouth. This condition indicates that the baby tries to understand different tastes and textures. Then when the baby is 5 months old, he can already know and recognize the salty taste, even though it is not a good idea to give him salty food at this stage.

Infants aged 6-12 months

Babies may be given complementary food when they enter 6 months. From complementary foods provided by breast milk, babies begin to get to know their taste. When a baby is given complementary food for the first time, he will be shocked and try to adapt to the taste of the food he just knows. This happens because for 6 months the baby only knows sweetness.

Some experts suggest giving babies a variety of complementary foods. This is to help the baby get to know the taste and increase the 'insight' you will feel. Starting from here, tastes and preferences for food will be formed. When a baby entering the age of 7 months begins to learn to hold his own food, this is a good opportunity for you to give him other solid foods, so the baby will get to know their taste and texture.

Will the baby have food tastes like his parents?

Not necessarily. Baby's taste is influenced by various things, although one of them is genetic. Your baby may tend to like the taste of the food he feels while still in the womb - this depends on what you eat. But over time, the baby will recognize the taste and get used to the taste of food given to him. The period where the baby knows the taste is very influential on his likes and tastes until he grows up.

How do you introduce various food flavors to babies?

First of all, give your child a food that is dense but has no taste, such as vegetables or fruits that have no taste. Then, after he is accustomed to the texture of the dense food, give him solid, flavorful food. You can start giving vegetables that have sweet taste, such as carrots or sweet potatoes. Sweetness is preferred by babies even before he is born, but try not to add sugar to the food you give.

When you provide complementary breastfeeding to babies, your baby may not immediately receive it. It takes time for adaptation to get to know the taste and make it like the taste of the food. Therefore, some experts say that at least give baby food as much as 8 times before deciding your baby doesn't like it.

Is It Normal If the Baby's Weight Drops Several Days After Birth?

Newborns are certainly very concerned about their development and growth. One of the things that many mothers pay attention to is their baby's weight. Not infrequently, the mother is very worried when she knows her baby's weight has dropped. However, you need to know that it is normal if the baby's weight drops after birth. You as a parent need not worry about this.

Why does the baby's weight drop after birth?

All babies must experience weight loss after birth. This is not influenced by whether he is given breast milk or formula milk. This drop in baby weight is fluid lost from the baby's body. When in the womb, the baby lives in a liquid, so that at birth the baby carries a lot of extra fluid. The extra fluid in the baby's body will disappear slowly within a few days after the baby is born, so the baby's weight also goes down. And, because babies cannot eat much and only eat breast milk at this time, so babies cannot maintain their weight.

Usually, the baby's weight drops in the first 5-7 days of life. So, at this time, you as a parent need not be surprised if the baby looks smaller and his weight drops. Don't worry, this baby's weight loss will not last long.

Usually the baby can reach his birth weight again on the 10-14th day of his birth. According to a 2003 study published by the Archives of Diseases in Children Fetal & Neonatal Edition, about 95% of baby milk bottles will reach their birth weight again for 14.5 days, while 95% of breastfeeding babies can reach birth weight within 18.7 days .

However, if the baby's weight drops in large enough numbers, the baby is sick, or the baby is premature, maybe the baby takes longer (up to three weeks) to be able to get his birth weight again. This is still normal.

The number of babies who fall is usually not large. Normally, infant formula milk decreases by 5% of its birth weight, while it is 7-10% for breastfed babies. If the number of baby's weight has fallen by more than 10%, then this can be said to be excessive or abnormal.

What if the baby's weight drops too much?

Baby weight down in excessive amounts can be caused by various reasons. One of the things that often becomes the reason is because babies have difficulty in getting intake for a long time, usually occurs in breastfed babies. After birth, your milk may take 3-5 days to come out smoothly. In addition, babies also need to try to get a lot of milk when they are breastfeeding. This makes the intake received by the baby becomes hampered. So that babies cannot maintain their weight, it decreases.

Besides being due to lack of intake, excessive weight loss can also be caused by infection or medical conditions, such as metabolic diseases, heart disease, lung disease, or kidney problems.

Excessive weight loss (exceeding 12% of birth weight) can harm the baby. That much weight loss can cause a baby to become dehydrated which can lead to jaundice. Dehydration can also cause a baby's heart rate to slow down.

If your baby is overweight, does not reach birth weight more than 2 weeks, has fever, no appetite, looks lethargic, and shows signs of dehydration (such as baby diapers rarely get wet, lips or eyes dry, and skin wrinkles) you should immediately take the baby to the doctor.

What is the Right Room Temperature for Babies to Sleep Well?

In caring for babies it is not allowed to be careless. In fact, the room temperature for a baby when he falls asleep must be maintained. Sleep is one of the most important baby needs. So, it is important for you to pay attention to everything to provide comfort when the baby sleeps.

Why should the temperature of the baby's room be maintained?

It is important for your baby to maintain room temperature for the baby, especially the bedroom. This is done not only to provide comfort to the baby, but also to prevent the baby from things that are not desirable.

Room temperature that is too hot for babies can increase the risk of babies experiencing sudden death syndrome (sudden infant death syndrome / SIDS). SIDS is more common in infants who have entered the second month after birth, whereas in the first month SIDS is less common.

If you want to find out if the baby's room temperature makes the baby overheat, you should check the baby's temperature The way to check the right baby temperature is to put the thermometer in the baby's armpit fold. The normal body temperature of humans is 36.5-37.5 C.

If you see the baby's body temperature rising or the baby sweats, you can remove a layer of baby clothes, and check the body temperature again. Don't worry if your baby's hands and feet are cold but his body temperature is hotter, this is normal.

What is the best room temperature for babies?

The best room temperature for babies is not too hot or too cold. Keeping the room temperature between 18 ° C and 22 ° C is the best for babies. Yes, keeping the room temperature for babies rather cold is indeed the best. The temperature of the room can provide comfort to the baby while sleeping. You might be able to adjust the temperature of this room if there is AC in your room.

Then, what if there is only a fan? You can still use the fan to keep the temperature of the baby's room, especially if the weather is hot. However, make sure the fan distance to your baby is still far away, so the fan can cool the room not only cool your baby. You can also open the bedroom window during the day to keep the baby from overheating.

What else should be considered when the baby sleeps?

In addition to the room temperature that must be maintained, several other things must also be considered to provide comfort when the baby sleeps, namely:

  • Baby clothes. Wear baby clothes that are comfortable while sleeping. We recommend that the clothes worn by the baby be adjusted to the temperature of the environment. For example, if the weather is hot, wear a thin baby clothes (one layer of trousers and long sleeves). If the weather is cold, you should wear thicker clothes or add layers of baby clothes (can be two layers). It's best not to use blankets. Swaddling babies can be a safe way to give warmth to babies.
  • Light in the baby room. We recommend that you turn off the room lights when the baby is asleep. Sleeping in a dark room can make the body release the hormone melatonin (sleep hormone). So that the baby can sleep well.
  • Peace in the baby's room. It's best to put your baby in a quiet room away from noise. Babies may find it harder to sleep well if the surrounding environment is crowded.

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